AWMS Sadie Hawkins Dance
  • Where can I pay?

Payments can be made on Revtrak

  • What is Sadie Hawkins?

This is a dance where the girls ask the guys to go with them. Be very creative with the way you ask (signs, candy, etc.) Once you find your date you can then buy OR make matching shirts to wear. Ex: Green polo shirt and jeans or tie dye shirts and jeans. ***DRESS CODE STILL APPLIES***


  • Does it have to be a “couple?”

NO! If 5 girls who are best friends want to wear matching shirts and go as a group then by all means, GO FOR IT!! If a group of boys want to wear matching shirts and go then please, GO FOR IT!!


  • Will there be pictures?

Yes! Along with Dr. Shuman doing her 360 photos we will have a photo area set up.


  • Can parents come?

No/Yes! They may come to take a few pictures in our photo area but cannot come into the dance (gym) or near Dr. Shuman’s photo area.


  • What if a student has been written up?

Dr. Foreman’s rule is 3 write up’s is the max.


  • Can a student bring someone who does not attend AWMS?

Absolutely not. This is only for AWMS students.