Turkey Trot

Odum Elementary Turkey Trot

Don’t be a Turkey-support Odum Elementary

Friday, Nov. 17, 2023

Odum Elementary PTO is sponsoring a Turkey Trot to raise money for PE and other supplies to benefit our children. The Turkey Trot will be held at Odum Elementary. Each child can run one mile (½ mile for Pre-K) through the school campus. A prize will be awarded to the 1st-3rd place runners in each grade level and to the child who raises the most money. Begin collecting your sponsors now! Thank you for supporting OES-Small School- Giant Commitment!

Physical Education Is an integral part of the total education of every child. It is the role of the quality physical education program to help students develop health-related fitness and physical competence.


Pre-K 12:10-12:40

Kindergarten 8:25 – 9:15

First 9:20- 10:10

Second 10:15 – 11:05

Third 1:40-2:30

Fourth 11:40 – 12:10

Fifth 12:45-1:35