Youth senate

Attention Juniors and Seniors, The application for the U.S. Senate Youth program is open. Juniors and Seniors may apply to attend Washington Week at the Capitol and receive a $10,000 college scholarship. For more information, please visit this link or come by the Counseling Dept to pick up a brochure. The application deadline is Sep 28th.

The United States Senate Youth Program, established in 1962 by U.S. Senate Resolution, is an esteemed educational initiative offering high school juniors and seniors an opportunity to gain firsthand knowledge of the American political process. Each year, two students from each state are selected as delegates and participate in Washington Week. Delegates receive a $10,000 college scholarship to an accredited United States college or university undergraduate program of their choice. Scholarship funds are paid directly to the college or university on the student's behalf. No funds are provided directly to students.